Ready to Lead

Student Club Executive

Led by the Student Club President, the 12 members of the Student Club Executive are elected by the student body. Under the governance of a student-drafted Constitution, the Student Club Executive organises a variety of social, community, cultural and sporting activities throughout the year, including the O Week program.

The Student Club nominates students to compete for the ICC Sport Shield and ICC Cultural Trophy. Social events include Women’s @ Home and Woozalympics in Semester 1 and the Women’s Ball in Semester 2. There are also informal weekly events with other UQ residential colleges to enjoy.

The Student Club also coordinates community service and fundraising events for various charities in line with the College’s motto – Capimus ut dividamus – We take that we may share.

Resident Assistant Team

Resident Assistants (RAs) are appointed by the College to provide guidance for the residents within their wing. By providing support, acting as a resource, coordinating wing events, and working together to ensure College policies and expectations are met, RAs are the first level of wellbeing support at Women’s.

Similar to being a member of the Student Club Executive, becoming an RA is another great opportunity to develop leadership skills for students returning to College for their second or third year.


Women’s offers invaluable academic support from experienced tutors for all students, including weekly tutorials in specific subjects such as accounting, allied health, architecture, biology, chemistry, economics, journalism, law, and nursing.

Academic Mentors

First-year students are paired with an Academic Mentor who provides tips and tricks about textbooks, university portals, libraries, referencing and more – all invaluable advice to make your university degree run smoothly.

Ready to Lead Program

Established in 2012, the Ready to Lead program provides students with value-add opportunities to assist them in their university studies and chosen career paths. A comprehensive program is offered throughout the academic year, comprising workshops and seminars on a range of topics. These include personal growth, creating a personal brand and establishing your presence on LinkedIn, developing a résumé, refining your interview skills and enhancing leadership abilities.

Women’s Industry Night

An annual networking and career building experience, Women’s Industry Night connects industry groups and employers with students for work experience and internship opportunities. The event is a mini-exhibition that provides students with an opportunity to engage interests and curiosities, test assumptions and learn about the world of work.

Career Mentoring Program

Women’s partners with alumnae to mentor third-year residents on specific topics, including career advice, interview techniques and résumé feedback. This provides Women’s students with a competitive edge when it comes to job applications. The Career Mentoring Program also assists students to develop meaningful connections in the workforce, and supports the transition from university studies to employment.

Formal Dinners

The tradition of Formal Dinner brings together the College community to share a meal, listen to inspiring guest speakers and Q&A panels, and recognise student achievements. Students wear an undergraduate academic gown to these special occasions, which are held every fortnight during the semester.

Guest speakers regularly attend to share inspirational stories about their career or field of expertise, and students have the opportunity to chat with these guest speakers before and after the meal.

Women’s also holds several celebratory dinners to highlight the achievements of our residents, including:

  • Academic Dinner & Alumnae Awards
  • Community Formal Dinner
  • Cultural Formal Dinner
  • Sports Formal Dinner
  • Valedictory Dinner

Guest Speaker Program

Women’s offers a bespoke Guest Speaker Program where a diverse range of keynote speakers and panellists share the common goal of inspiring students with their presentations and thoughtful words of advice. In addition to Formal Dinners, students can also hear from guest speakers at the Women of the World Q&A Networking Dinners and In Conversation events, and also engage in small group chats before and after these events.

Academic Excellence Prizes are awarded to residents of The Women’s College based on their cumulative university achievements, aligning with the specific criteria set for each prize. In addition to academic prizes, we also bestow accolades for leadership, contributions to College life, and sporting achievements.

Many of these prizes have a rich history, some dating back to generous benefactors or through the enduring support of College alumnae and the former Chiselhurst Society.

Click here to see the prizes that are awarded, and the recipients from recent years.