Launched in 2021, the College invites selected alumnae to provide leadership in philanthropic support and to leverage personal and professional networks in support of the College. The Network Ambassadors program aims to strengthen connections among alumnae locally, nationally, and globally, while advancing the College’s vision, purpose, and values.

Amanda Johnston-Pell

Alumna 1989 – 1991
Appointed 2021

Paula Wilton

Alumna 1988 – 1990
Appointed 2021

Dr Margie Bale

Alumna 1991 – 1994
Appointed 2022

Dr Emily Gordon

Alumna 1991 – 1993
Appointed 2023

Joanna Harris

Alumna 1990 – 1992
Appointed 2023

Alison Kubler

Alumna 1991 – 1992
Appointed 2024